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Parent Volunteer Information
The Bellaire Belles Booster Club needs parent volunteers throughout the year.
All volunteers are required to register online at HISD at
. Once you have registered, you need to show your proof of identification at school.
* Indicates required question
Your involvement is vital to provide the many enriching opportunities available for the team. Please select at least ONE volunteer opportunity for the 2023-2024 school year.
Competition Chaperone - room monitoring moms (January and February)
Dance Clinic - assist where needed (June and October)
Neighborhood Sweeps - chaperone students selling raffle tickets in the neighborhood (June - September)
July 4th Parade - assist where needed (July 4th)
Family Fun Night - assist with raffle prizes, serving food, and where needed (August)
Spirit Wear Sales - lunchtime on Fridays during football season (August to December)
Homecoming Tailgate - assist where needed (October)
Spring Show - create program for printing and assist where needed (April or May)
Committee Chair - chair and lead a committee
Special Skills -
Access to printing
Graphic design experience
Website building and maintaining
Belles Name
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Parent Name
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Parent Occupation
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Parent Mobile Number
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Parent Email Address
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