MCAA 2023 Virtual Event Registration
Please register below to join us for our upcoming virtual gathering! The event will be held via Zoom, on:

October 7, 4:00-5:30pm Eastern Time; 1:00-3:30pm Pacific Time

All members and friends of the Marlboro College Alumni Association are welcome.

Alum and Potash Hill Managing Director Brian Mooney will join us to give an update on what is going on with the former campus. Break-out rooms will provide time and space for informal social gathering. Please complete this form by October 6 to receive the zoom link for the meeting!

We look forward to seeing all of you soon!

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First Name
Last Name
Class Year/Year of Association
If applicable to you, please share your class year, or the year you most closely associate with your time at the college.
If more than one applies, please choose the one you feel most closely describes your affiliation with the Alumni Association and Marlboro College.
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