AI Project Cycle
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1. Which block of 4ws problem canvas focuses on the context/situation/location of the problem ? *
1 point
2. Which of the following comes under Problem Scoping ? *
1 point
3. Setting goals is the first part of problem scoping ? *
1 point
4. Which of the following comes under problem scoping ? *
1 point
The AI process begins with problem definition then followed by ?
1 point
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6. The AI project stage which is used to set the goal for the problem is *
1 point
7. Which of the following is not related to 4 W in problem scoping ? *
1 point
8. 4Ws canvas is associated with *
1 point
9. The ____ canvas helps you in identifying the key elements related to the problem. *
1 point
10. ______ is one of the way of Data Acquisition. *
1 point
11. The Data needs to be ______ for AI to work efficiently. *
1 point
12. Which of the following is not an authentic source for data acquisition?  *
1 point
13. The _____________ refers to is more concerned with maintaining and managing the metadata rather than the database itself. ? *
1 point
14. Which of the following is not a core element of SDG ? *
1 point
15. Which of the following not one of the Vs of big data? *
1 point
16. The data which is available as soon as an event takes place is known as __________ data. *
1 point
17. The data which is available freely for everyone to use which is not restricted through copyrights, patents, control etc is known as ______ data. *
1 point
18. The data which contains both location and time information is known __________ data. *
1 point
19. The data from user behavior, activities or actions is known as _________ data. *
1 point
20. Machine data refers to the data collected from systems or programs like called details, emails data etc. (True/False). *
1 point
21. Which of the following data helps in forming an accurate of actions over time? *
1 point
22. Name any 2 methods for collecting data. *
1 point
23. The combination of structured and unstructured data is known as _________ data. *
1 point
24. The types of data that do not have any predefined structure are known as __________. *
1 point
25. The data which has predefined structure and organized in predefined manner is called _________________ data. *
1 point
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