Ready For The AGM In Romania? Your Ultimate Checklist!  
Ensure your AGM is seamless and productive with our checklist. Covering compliance, flexibility, shareholder participation, documentation, and technology, this form helps you prepare for success. Leverage Klea's expertise for tailored insights.
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On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the clarity and timeliness of the information provided prior to the AGM? What could we improve in our communication approach?

How satisfied are you with the technological tools used during the AGM for participation and voting? Please explain any difficulties you encountered or suggest any technologies that could enhance your experience.

If you have used proxy voting, how effective do you find this method in representing your interests? Are there any changes you would like to see in the proxy voting process?

Were the topics discussed during the AGM relevant to your interests as a shareholder? What additional topics or concerns would you like to see addressed at the next AGM?

Overall, how satisfied are you with this year's AGM? Please provide specific suggestions on how we can improve future meetings to better meet your expectations.

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