Yoga for Life Pay-What-You-Can Application
Help us get to know you! Thank you for your time and responses!
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What is your name? *
Where do you live?
Tell us a bit about your background with yoga, if any.  Are you a current student of Adeline Yoga or a current student of Iyengar Yoga? *
Do you self-identify as a Person of Color? *
Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? *
What are you applying for
Are you planning to attend the January intensive or the entire program?
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What is your interest in the Yoga for Life Program?
How much are you able to invest in this program ?
Your investment allows us to maintain our overhead and pay our faculty fairly. We strive to make our studio as accessible and equitable as possible. If you are applying for a partial scholarship, we ask that you contribute an amount you can appropriately afford.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
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