#FreeMarissa Activism Survey
Grassroots activism to free Marissa Alexander was broad, autonomous, creative, and impactful, and we want to make sure we archive your work so organizers and survivors can learn and build from it in future movement building.

This survey is for anyone, individuals and/or organizations, who did an action to help free Marissa Alexander such as: wrote to Angela Corey or an elected rep, organized a direct action (like a rally or march, posting public signs, other public actions), wrote letters to Marissa, helped fundraise or donated, organized a workshop, produced art, engaged in a faith action such as a prayer circle, wrote articles or letters to the editor, etc. Actions would be between the 2012 trial to her 2017 release.

Thank you for your work, love, and solidarity!

-Free Marissa Now Mobilization Campaign - freemarissanow.org, freemarissanow@gmail.com
 (Posted on 1/27/16, the date Marissa Alexander is released from house detention.)
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Contact Info
Name *
Organization (if applicable)
E-mail (or phone if that's a better contact)
City, State (and country if outside the US) *
Action Info
How did you hear about Marissa Alexander's case? *
Action - please check all applicable boxes! *
Date of Action (If you don't remember the exact date, please add a rough date like month/year, or just the year.) *
Should we contact you for photos, flyers, letters, or other memorabilia from your action? *
Who did you organize your action with? *
What was meaningful to you about doing an action to help free Marissa Alexander?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
THANK YOU! To learn about other ongoing defense campaigns, please visit survivedandpunished.org
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