OC Kids Yoga- Fulbright Montessori Academy

Lesson Time: Mondays from 3:30-4:00pm / 4:00-4:30pm Fee: $180 for 10 classes
Contact: Contact Ms. Tania with any questions at (714) 856-8067 or ockidsyoga@gmail.com

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Child's Name *
Child's Homeroom Teacher *
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Parent/Guardian's Email (This will be the main contact for class schedules and payment renewal) *
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number *
Preferred Class Time (Please note that class selection will be taken into consideration but is on a first come, first serve basis) *

Payment Information:
Please provide your Venmo or Zelle account information. A payment request will be sent to you.

Registration will not begin until payment has been made.


Payment & Cancellation Agreement:
I understand that tuition is based on a 10 class block. Credit will not be given if your child misses a regularly scheduled class. Program cancellations must be made one month in advance by contacting Ms. Tania at ockidsyoga@gmail.com.

Release of Liability: As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless OC Kids Yoga, its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of OC Kids Yoga, its owners and operators or in route to or from any of said premises.  

Vendor Permission:
I, the parent/guardian of the above child give my permission for my child to be signed out of school/their classroom by a representative of the above vendor for the purpose of the lessons described on this form.  My child is to be signed back into their classroom at the end of the lesson and handed directly back to their classroom teacher.  Representatives of this vendor are not authorized to sign my child out of school for any other reason.  I will notify the school if this permission is rescinded.

Photo/Video Release:
As the legal parent or guardian, OC Kids Yoga has permission to use photos and video of my child, for promotional purposes.
Questions or Concerns:
Thank you!
You will be contacted by email when a spot is available for your child.
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