Footvax Order Form: NOVEMBER 2020
As of November 2020 the UWGA will be importing to large batch shipments of Footvax per year.  Footvax is the 10 strain footrot vaccine to aid in the prevention and treatment of footrot in sheep. The footrot disease is severe and can cause economic losses from reduced growth rates, decreased wool production and reduced fertility in ewes and rams. Active Ingredients - Footrot vaccine containing 10 strains of Dichelobacter nodosus antigens. Dosage - 1 mL dose by subcutaneous injection into the anterior (front) half of the neck.

Our order will go out November 25th. Any dues paying member of the UWGA in good standing can order Footvax by filling out the form below. Orders MUST BE PAID IN FULL before the shipment of the order by visiting the sheep shop on our website, paying with a credit card over the phone, or sending a check. Orders that have not been pre-paid WILL NOT be completed when we order. To get your vaccines with the November shipment payment must be received by November 24, 2020. If you miss the order deadline the next order will happen in April 2021.

If you have questions about this you can email for help. For more information about Footvax please visit
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