Early Childhood Visit Inquiry
We will travel 30 minutes from our facility at 159 Cemetery Lane, Pittsburgh, PA for musical visits! After you submit your form, we will reach out with information about pricing (Starting at $60/visit, dependent on the frequency of visits, number of classes/students, and distance to the facility). Call/text 412-646-0157 or email pittsburghmusichouse@gmail.com with any questions. 
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Name *
Name of early childhood facility (please specify whether the location is a school/learning center or daycare) *
Address of early childhood facility *
Contact for early childhood facility (phone or email) *
You may also list your contact information if it is different than the contact for the early childhood facility.
What is your relationship to the early childhood facility listed above? *
What type of musical experience do you hope we will bring to your facility? *
Please include information like length of visit, class sizes (and number of classes we'll be visiting), and age of students. Also, let us know if you would like us to visit once, or provide recurring music classes.
What questions do you have for us?
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