OAC 2019 Application to Present
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in presenting at the 2019 Oregon Afterschool Conference, "Quest for Quality: Inside & Out". The conference is scheduled for All Day November 2nd at Chemeketa Community College in Salem, with potential pre-conference sessions on November 1st..

We are looking forward to another amazing year and hope you will be a part of it!

If you do not have an existing session/presentation you are basing this on, that is ok, please still try to answer questions as completely as possible. Contact Bethany Thramer with questions or inquiries at bethany.thramer@oregonask.org or 503-689-1656
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Presenter Name *
Please list the first and last name of the presenter who will be the primary contact for the conference
Presenter Title, Credentials, Qualification (ex. Master Trainer, etc)
Organization Affiliation
Presenter email *
Presenter Phone *
Co-Presenter(s) and Affiliation (if any)
List the names of any co-presenters and their affiliations or qualifications
Co-Presenter Email
Co-Presenter Phone
Has your workshop been pre-approved by the Oregon Registry Trainer Program?
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If yes, please list the approved title of your workshop
Note: you will be asked to send a copy of your Oregon Registry approval letter prior to the conference.
Workshop Information
OregonASK reserves the right to edit proposal titles and description, but will communicate clearly with presenters.
Language of Presentation
We recommend that all presenters speak English, either as a first or second language. If presenting in another language, your workshop title and description must be written in both English and the other  language.
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Session Title (60 Character Limit) *
Description for Brochure (60 word limit) *
Please help participants know what to expect from your presentation: what will it cover - how will it be covered - who should be interested? Make your description short and enticing. If your session has been approved by the Oregon Registry, please provide that description.
Workshop Objectives (1 to 3 per session) *
Sample: Participants will practice two strategies to enhance language development.
Level of Presentation
If you have questions about the Oregon Registry and the Registry Trainer system, call the Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education at 503-725-8535 or 1-877-725-8535 or visit http://www.pdx.edu/occd/oregon-registry-trainer-program-6
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Please select which Core Knowledge Category aligns most closely to your workshop presentation *
For a full description of these categories visit the OCCD website at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SDjs09m4rDI61Sz8q39kYAiex1ut4YYc/view             
Workshop Length - Can you do a 90 Minute Session? *
All of our workshop sessions this year are 90 minutes. If you are interested in offering a longer session, we may be able to give you two sessions to work with a 3 hour block of time. Please note that below if that is what you are looking for.
Preferred Enrollment Limit
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Availability to Present
Please select all days and times you would be available to present
I might be interested in offering my session more than once during the conference?
We are looking for opportunities to help meet the needs of attendees in cases where certain topics or categories are of greater need.  Please let us know if you might be available and interested in offering the same session more than once.
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