2019 - 2020 Application: IAM Student Leadership Council

As we seek to improve the IAM Mentoring program, we are seeking parents and mentors who are looking for ways to be involved during the program year and use their networks to support program needs.

The IAM Parent & Mentor Advisory Council will have the following responsibilities:
Assist with coordinating IAM Holiday Party; to be held the evening of Tuesday, December 17, 2019 (date subject to change)

Use networks to help recruit and retain quality mentors for 2019 - 2020 program year

Assist with coordinating end of year closing ceremony on Tuesday, May 18, 2020

The IAM Parent & Mentor Advisory Council will convene by phone once a month during the program year; dates and times TBD based on availability of members. If you have any questions, please email fharris@influencingaction.org.
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Are you a parent or mentor? *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Phone Number *
Child/Mentee First Name *
Child/Mentee Last Name *
Mailing Address *
Street portion only. Example: 30 S. 15th Street
City *
Please write out full names. Example: Philadelphia
State *
Use initial. Example: PA
Zip Code *
Which events are you able to assist with this year? *
Which are the best times during the week for you to participate on a Monthly 45 Minute Council Planning Call? *
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