CHSRA LA-A Office Hours 
Thanks for your interest in the Los Angeles to Anaheim (LA-A) section. Staff will be available to answer questions on LA-A during virtual office hours.

Virtual office hours, held in the form of 30-minute webinars, are offered by request. Appointments are conducted through Zoom, unless a conference call format is preferred.
  1. Use this form to schedule an appointment with staff. Language interpretation will be provided if requested through the form.
  2. Accept the calendar invitation. You should receive the calendar invitation within one to two business days of completing the form. The calendar invite will include instructions on how to join the webinar.
  3. At the scheduled time, please join the webinar via computer or phone to discuss your question with staff (and interpreter if required).
If you prefer to schedule an office hours appointment over the phone, please call 877-669-0494.

We look forward to speaking with you!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Organization (if any)
Email *
Phone Number
What are your questions related to LA-A? This allows us to ensure we have the correct staff participating in the office hours. *
Do you have any language/interpretation needs? If yes, please list language preference
Do you have any additional comments for the LA-A team?
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