Indian Faculty / Researchers in Higher Education Institutes in Oman
* This form is an initiative of the Embassy of India to connect with Indian Faculty members / Researchers in Higher Education Institutes in Oman.

* For any query/clarification, you may please contact the Education Wing of the Embassy at 24684555 / 24684558
* Please provide the below details.  
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Email *
Name *
Passport Number *
Oman Mobile Number (Please enter without +968) *
Institution / College in Oman (where you are employed) *
Designation and Department *
Discipline / Specialization *
Title (Example -  Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor) *
Experience in Oman (Number of Years) *
Qualification *
Professional Certificates (if any)
Achievements / Any other details related to Research, Community Engagement, Education etc.
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