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Q1) Convex lens focus a real, point sized image at focus, the object is placed *
1 point
Q2) Bouncing back of light in same medium is called *
1 point
Q3) The radius of curvature of a mirror is 20cm the focal length is *
1 point
Q4) 40cmB10cmC20cmD5cm *
1 point
Q5) Concave mirror is used in head light of vehicle as *
1 point
Q6) Shaving mirror are usually *
1 point
Q7) The amount of light that is reflected depends on: *
1 point
Q8) Form of energy that gives us the sensation of sight is: *
1 point
Q9) Concave lens is also known as *
1 point
Q10) What will be the angle of incidence if a ray of light is reflected back at an angle of 30: *
1 point
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