AWBI Small Business Survey: Impact of the COVID-19 Virus
This survey is to help understand how the COVID-19 virus is impacting small businesses in the City of Atlanta. The goal is to leverage this data to mobilize resources so businesses can sustain during this time. This data will be shared with a network of non-profit organizations, governmental entities, and philanthropic entities that can assist in program and product development.
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Business Name *
Business Street Address *
Business Zip Code *
Your Name *
Your Title
Your Email Address *
Type of Business *
Is your business one of the following?
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Have you experienced sluggish sales during the last two weeks? *
Do you sell products online? *
If yes, through what channels? *
If no, why not? (If yes, type N/A) *
Do you have employees? *
If so, how many, including yourself? *
Have you reduced employee hours? *
Do you foresee the need to reduce employee hours?
Clear selection
Is your business financially prepared to experience a reduction in sales/revenue? *
If yes, how? (If no, type N/A) *
If yes, for how long? (If no, type N/A) *
If no, what are your plans? (If yes, type N/A) *
What impacts are you experiencing due to the COVID-19 virus response? *
Is your rent/mortgage current?
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Are you concerned about business displacement due to unpaid rent?
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What needs do you anticipate, or areas of concern do you have for your business if this continues or worsens? *
What type of business assistance would you be interested in receiving? *
Could you provide proof of business loss(es) or the negative impact(s) of the COVID-19 virus (sales, customers, contracts, etc.) *
Has your business experienced an increase in sales/revenue? *
If you own a restaurant, have you seen an increase in carry-out or delivery? *
Have you experienced any other positive impacts during this time?
Do you have business disruption insurance?
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Other concerns
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