Kishan Paul's Paperback Order Form
 If you'd like to order Signed Paperbacks direct from Kishan, please fill out the form below. Once you submit the form, you'll be directed to Paypal where you can make your payment (You do need a Paypal account to send money).
If you'd like to order multiple copies of something, indicate in the OTHER box in the title selection. If you're ordering more than 2 books, contact Kishan directly so she can get a shipping estimate.

*New for Apolycon attendees: Blind Love Paperbacks are now available.
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Which books would you like? Price is $14.99 each or 2 for $27. *
If you'd like multiple copies of something, indicate so in the OTHER box. Shipping rates: US for 1 book $8, 2 books $14 / UK for 1 book $35 , 2 books for $67. For additional quantities, TBD depending on how many and what country.
How would you like the books signed? *
If you want your first name or just Kishan's Signature, please let us know.
What name/ email will your Paypal payment come from? *
Visit to make your payment. Books will not be shipped until payment is received.
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