DSA SF Homelessness Working Group Reads: Mean Streets - HOMELESSNESS, PUBLIC SPACE, AND THE LIMITS OF CAPITAL by Don Mitchell
Our first meet up will be Wednesday November 1st, 2023 - 6 pm  @1916 McAllister St., SF, and will have a cadence of about every 2 weeks. We'll discuss the preface and the first chapter. We also will have a Zoom link if there's demand. 

The book can be found at:
  1. The San Francisco Public Library 
  2. University of Georgia Press
  3. eBook
About the Book:
Don Mitchell provides a Marxist take on the dialectic of homelessness in public space, framing it as a site of class struggle. He presents a general history of homelessness which gives an invaluable overview of policy and legal ramifications in the U.S. and goes into some detail about recent-ish events San Francisco up though the era of Ed Lee.

From Urban Geography:  
"The book presents a historical geography of the laws and practices that regulate and manage the presence of poor people in public space and is broken into two parts connected by an Interlude. The first part of the book consists of four chapters that lays out examples of homelessness as class struggle over who can be in urban spaces using historical examples from a variety of American cities and across various time periods starting in the early decades of the 20th century. The second part of the book contains three chapters that illustrate how systematic regulation of urban space transformed homelessness into a “metastasized” class struggle. The Interlude is used to transition from the historical examples of homeless and poor people’s experiences surviving on and battling for spaces on the streets to laws and court challenges since the 1990s that seek to regulate them and move them out of city spaces."

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