Ight hoe! It’s getting cold outside! Jarqueze is single, and full of life! He is on the way to finding a temporary boo for the winter! Don’t waste my time and I won’t waste yours🤙🏿 I will be setting up interviews and the hired position will be announced on that Pegan holiday 👏🏿 I will be checking your answers in detail, Good Luck seasonal boo💜
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zodiac sign and birthday *
You a whore? *
whats your instagram? *
you got a freak twitter? *
if yes, what is it? If no, put N/A *
How are you mentally? *
How long have you been following Jarqueze? *
What’s your intentions with Jarqueze? Check all that apply. *
whats your occupation? *
What you admire about Jarqueze? *
Favorite color? *
can you cook? *
Are you stingy with the coin? *
whats your type? *
Are you still in contact with your ex? *
You got kids? *
If so, how many? *
anything else i need to know? drugs you’re taking, any mental institution you been in, any therapist involved? *
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