Astro Hack Week 2022 Application
Astro Hack Week 2022 will happen October 17 - 22 at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany. More information about the event can be found at:

Due to ongoing travel restrictions and health concerns, Astro Hack Week 2022 will be a hybrid event with both in-person and on-line participation options.

We expect to receive more applications than available spots. We would like to ask you to fill out the form below in order to be considered to attend Astro Hack Week by Friday, June 3rd, 2022. We will let you know about attendance by early July. You will either be selected for the in-person meeting, or selected to attend the online sections of the Astro Hack Week.

Our goal is to enhance the data science community within astronomy. The workshop will encourage collaboration between participants, rather than competition, and provides extensive opportunities each day for participants to work with each other. The meeting is aimed at astronomers and researchers from other fields (including, but not limited to, statistics and computer science) with an interest in both astronomy and data science.

We welcome applications from researchers at all stages in their careers, from undergraduate students to professors. In addition, we encourage researchers from a wide range of backgrounds and experience levels with data science-related methods and tools, from beginners to experts. Our participant selection will ensure gender balance and representation of minorities.

Finally, by completing this form you agree for your data to be used for the purpose of participant selection as well as demographic comparisons with past and future Astro Hack Weeks. We will not share your data beyond the organisers of Astro Hack Week and will not use it for any other purpose. We also commit to anonymising the data within a month of participant selection. Please email us if you have any questions or concerns or would like to revoke your content.
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