2024-2025 Advisor of the Year Nomination Form
Please nominate below an outstanding District IX Advisor for the Deby Lewis Advisor of the Year Award. This advisor should be an individual who has made outstanding contributions to District IX. It is the expectation of the District IX Board of Directors that the recipient of the Deby Lewis Advisor of the Year Award submit their application for the TASC Eddie G. Bull Advisor of the Year Award (https://www.tasconline.org/advisor-recognition).

Individuals can be nominated by another advisor or can self-nominate. The deadline for nominations is September 25th. Nominees will be contacted by October 3rd to accept their nominations. ALL active District IX Advisors will have the opportunity to vote for Advisor of the Year at check-in at District IX Fall Convention and later announced at the convention on October 28th.
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Name of Advisor Being Nominated *
Nominated Advisor's School *
Please provide information as to why this person deserves to be the District IX Deby Lewis Advisor of the Year. This information will be provided to active member advisors when voting. *
How long has this person been an advisor? *
Nominating Advisor's Name *
Nominating Advisor's Email Address *
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