IMADA Volunteer Interest Form
Thanks for your interest in volunteering for IMADA! We have several specific volunteer opportunities that need staffing urgently:
  • graphic design support
  • coordinating fundraising activities, including our annual Program Book and our presence at concerts and shows
  • donating concessions
  • staffing the ticket or concession tables at concerts and shows
  • collaborating with drama, visual arts, and music faculty to support their initiatives
  • contributing photography or social media content
Please let us know how you'd like to help by filling out the form below, and we'll add your name to the IMADA volunteer email list. Hope to see you soon!
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Email *
Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Special skills, and areas of interest, please check any and all that apply *
Please share anything else you would like to know about your interest in IMADA, or how you feel you could help out.
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