Week in the Life / Real Working Moms Section 1: Info for Corporette staff purposes only
Thank you so much for agreeing to be featured on CorporetteMoms for our "Week in the Life" feature! We have a very short interview with what will hopefully be fun questions for you -- please write as much or as little as you'd like. Sections 2 and 3 are what we'll run on the blog (probably with minimal editing); Section 1 and 4 are only for internal purposes. You can see examples of Week in the Life features we've run in the past here: http://corporettemoms.com/category/week-in-the-life-of-a-working-mom/

We know how important anonymity is to many women, so anything you say in section 1 and 4 are for Corporette staff purposes ONLY, for our records and for purposes of follow-up questions. For the first section, though, we would like the real answers to these questions, for staff purposes only -- we assure you that we will not use this information for any purpose other than contacting you for follow up questions.

We CAN show you a draft for your review before it goes live -- but please note that we may ask for a 48-hour turn around. Thank you in advance for your cooperation (and thank you so much for filling out this form!)
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