User awareness on car real-world fuel consumption
When users are looking for a new car, they receive a lot of information about the car and among this information, they can find a fuel consumption value - or energy consumption in case of electric vehicles. However, this value is derived from laboratory measurements that they could not capture the whole range of everyday vehicle use and the divergence between on-road and type approval value is possible that it has been observed by many drivers. Laboratory measurements are useful as they are highly reproducible, but this could cause uncertainty to the users when they try to find a fuel-efficient vehicle. The current survey investigates user awareness on the issue within the context of the MILE21 project and it aims in identifying user awareness on vehicle real-world fuel consumption.

Prior to filling in the survey, you might want to navigate a bit in the MILE21 platform

A few words about MILE21:

MILE21 means ‘More information less emissions, Empowering Consumers for a Greener 21st Century’ and it is a project that aims in providing consumers with real cars fuel consumption data and to help them in making well-informed purchase decisions for more efficient vehicles.

Thanks to the MILE21 platform, consumers will have the opportunity to look up and compare the real fuel consumption and emissions values for a wide range of car models sold in the EU.

The platform will also allow users to keep track of their own fuel use. Because of the direct involvement of consumers, as well as vehicle tests on the road, MILE 21 will also contribute to the collection of robust large-scale monitoring data. This data will be used to monitor remaining gaps between WLTP type-approved fuel consumption/CO₂ emissions values and real-world values experienced by consumers.

MILE21 is a project co-financed by the LIFE+ program of the European Union, agreement number: LIFE17 GIC/GR/000128.

For any questions you have about the survey please contact Nikiforos Zacharof, PhD candidate at the Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at the e-mail
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