Destination Imagination Service Learning Project Fun Run
Hello! Please fill out this form to sign up for our fun run! The run is on Sunday, January 9th, 2022 with a 10 a.m. start time.  The race will begin and end at the Crystal Falls Golf Course parking lot.
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Email *
First and last name: *
Are you planning on attending the race or donating or both? *
Please pay through the PayPal link or Venmo handle below. Thank you for helping us achieve our goal of donating $2,000 to the Lone Star Paralysis Foundation!
Venmo:  @LSPFAustin
Paypal QR Code
[Only for people running the race] How many people will be attending under this name? (This will help us determine how many wristbands your party will receive)
Thank you so much! See you at the race!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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