May 3-4, 2024
Haymarket Courtyard Marriott
808 R St.
Lincoln, NE 68508
We are so excited for the upcoming Minister and Spouse Retreat at the
Haymarket Courtyard Marriott in Lincoln from
May 3-4, 2024. Couples from our network of churches will be coming together for a time of fellowship, relaxation, and restoration. Our prayer is that this will be a nice respite from the hectic pace and stress of ministering to others.
Reminder: couples only need to pay the $75 fee to secure a spot for the weekend. The fee can be paid
here, or by check/cash brought to the office. Heartland Church Network will manage all the details with the hotel and meals. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Guidelines for who can attend:
-Full-time ministry staff and their spouse
-Bi-vocational ministry staff (must be paid position) and their spouse
-Pastoral Apprentice (one per church), this must be someone that the pastor is intentionally investing in/apprenticing with the goal of appointing them to leadership in ministry in the next 2 years.