Volunteer form for Care-mongers
While many Americans  are used to getting things done themselves, we would like to encourage the younger folks in our community to step forward and run errands for them during this time. This will allow anyone over 60 to protect themselves and others by accepting services.

Intergenerational inter-dependency is a core value which we hope will build social-connectedness with physical-distancing in this new normal. Please join us on the call to let us know how your organization can help identify younger volunteers while helping outreach to the 60+ in our community.

Calling volunteers to protect 60+ community members and help with outreach to offer services - we will help coordinate!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email: *
Phone number: *
Gender (For matching purposes) *
What language(s) do you speak? *
City *
Area you want to be available : *
Zip Code *
How are you wanting to volunteer: (Can one or more) *
What other services could you offer?
I agree that I am volunteering and the organizers take no liability for anyones actions   *
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