Universal Lunch Hour Expression of Interest
This form is for Semester 2, 2022.
ULH run from 12:30-1:30 every Thursday of term time at the fellow oval bbqs.
You will be required to set up the bbqs at 11:45am and clean up usually finishes around 2pm.
5 volunteers from your club are required to run ULH.
Clubs will be offered a ULH slot via email at a first come first serve basis. Submission of this form does not guarantee a slot.

If you have any questions please email sa.vicepres@anu.edu.au
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What is name of your club? *
What is your name? *
What is your U number? *
What is your Club Email? *
Which of the following weeks would you be available to run ULH? *
ULH consists of beef sausages, vegetarian patties, bread (including gluten free), onions and sauces. Do you have any additional food items you would like ANUSA to provide in addition or instead of these? *
Is there any foods that should not be at your ULH (ie. beef, pork) *
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