Looking for digitally savvy interns for next summer? (June - August, 2025)
Our interns arrive ready to work on Day One and are highly motivated, energetic, technologically-skilled and eager to use their talents to expand their horizons. We recruit widely at conferences, college campuses and on social media to attract a strong, diverse and inclusive applicant pool.
Newsrooms commit to pay interns a weekly salary of at least $525 for a minimum of 10 weeks and to pay a $1,200 fee per intern to offset the News Fund's training costs. Discounted fees are available for qualifying
nonprofit entities. News organizations will be invoiced for the training fee in late June.
We take real care in making placements so that most supervisors rate interns as excellent or good. On average, nearly a third of graduating seniors or graduate students are offered full-time jobs when their internships end.
PLEASE NOTE: Placements outside of the U.S. or training for professional journalists are not offered. This form is intended for requests from media organizations seeking to hire students for internships within the U.S.
shirley.carswell@dowjones.com or
heather.taylor@dowjones.com for more information.