REAL Change Application 2019 - 2020

We are looking for the next generation of young activists and leaders in fighting poverty locally and globally. RESULTS will train and guide you to create personal relationships with policymakers in Congress and other branches of government. We’ll train and support you to speak powerfully and engage with the media and your community. RESULTS has proven over the past 35 years that when people like you use their voices effectively, we can make progress towards ending poverty.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Primary Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
E-mail Address *
Where will you be based this coming year? *
City, state, zip code
If you are not registered to vote in the city above, where are you registered?
Please indicate your preferred pronoun (i.e he, she, ze, zir) *
Are you currently a member of a RESULTS group? *
How did you hear about the fellowship? *
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