Application For URI Cybersecurity Competition Team
This form asks you some questions about your background. Please note that you do not have to be an expert in all of these things to be considered for the URI CC Team. We want students who are willing to work hard, learn, and enjoy being part of the team.  Anyone who is a full-time URI undergraduate student in the Spring of 2023 is eligible to apply.
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Name *
Preferred Email Address
Will you be a full-time URI undergraduate student in the Spring 2023 semester? *
Estimated Bachelor's degree graduation month/year *
Rate your skills using Linux shells (e.g., bash, zsh, fish) *
Rate your skills configuring/managing Linux services (e.g. chron, password management, file management, ssh, webservers, etc). *
Rate your skills using Linux containers (e.g., Docker, podman, containerd) *
Rate your skills using container orchestration
tools  (e.g., Docker swarm, Kubernetes/K8s)
Rate your skills configuring/managing Windows services (e.g. Windows Firewall, Registry, malware tools, group policies, password management, webservers, Active Directory, etc). *
Rate your skills in network configuration/management (e.g. packet capture such as Wirseshark, routing configuration, port scanning, etc). *
Would you like to participate in a practice competition on Saturday November 19? This is not required to apply for the team, although we recommend it if you can. It is also not a commitment to be on the team - just a chance to try it out.
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