Spay/Neuter Services - District 3
Thank you for your interest in becoming a responsible dog parent. Please note that this service is for families with limited access to transportation. 

ACS and Spay Neuter Network’s initiative offers convenient, walkable access points for families to have their dogs transported for their surgery without cost. Surgery drop offs (6:30 am) are at a pre-determined location.

Please note this link is for District 3 residents ONLY. Services include free spay/neuter surgery, rabies vaccination, DHPP vaccination, microchip, cone, and pain medicine. 

**These services are only for your personal dog(s). Cats are currently not eligible through this program.**
**Dogs over 8 years of age OR over 100lbs will not qualify for this program based on current restrictions. **

For complete spay/neuter services or if you have a cat, please visit: for additional participating clinics.

For vaccination services only, please visit:

Submitting your information does NOT guarantee an appointment for this month; however, you will be added to a waitlist. You may be called the morning of a surgery day as a backup when someone cancels or is a no-show.
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