ffconf CFP 2024
This is the call for papers for ffconf. Full details of the CFP can be found at https://ffconf.org/cfp

Note that if you've already bought a ticket for ffconf, and your CFP is accepted, your ticket will be fully refunded (and the speaker fees will be offered to you as normal).
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Email *
Name *
What country and city are you travelling from? *
City and country please. So we know where you would be travelling from (in some cases, yes, there is a budget consideration)
Could your work pay for your travel?
If your business can cover the travel, then this helps us budget the event and usually direct more of our funds towards our venue and scholarship programme.
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Talk title *
Short description *
Short to the point description - think "tweet-length"-ish 😄
Personal message/pitch/information
You can include a longer description of the talk here which will only be for Remy & Julie to review. You can include anything, like what excites you about the topic, or what inspired you, or what we'll learn, really anything.
Suggested "tags" *
If you would tag (or hashtag) your talk, what tag (or tags) would you use? Can be one or many tags.
Your URLs
Any urls that show off who you are online, be it a blog, twitter, github or anything else.
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