SPD Small Grants for Education & Outreach
SPD Education and Outreach Committee is offering small grants to be used for education and public outreach projects relating to the sun and solar science. Deadline for applications is 23:59 HST on May 10th, 2019.

The grants will be for up to $1000 per awardee, and proposals that focus on the engagement of underrepresented groups in our scientific community are strongly encouraged. Applicants are required to be members of the SPD at the time of application, but additional collaborators do not have to be. Funds can be used for the purchase of materials, travel, and/or participant support and will be awarded as a personal check in the name of the recipient at the 2019 SPD meeting in St. Louis. Awardees are not required to attend the meeting. Applicants are responsible for knowing their work-place rules on the legality of accepting an external award that may be related to work duties.

Funds should be spent and primary activities should be accomplished before May 2020. Winners will be required to write a 2-4 page report, due by May 2020, that will be included in the SPD annual report.

For questions, contact outreachspd[at]gmail.com.

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Primary Applicants' Name *
This is the person to whom the check will be written if awarded.
Institution *
Email address *
Collaborators and partners if any
Include names and institutions
Is the primary applicant an SPD member? *
Level of seniority of primary applicant *
Elaborate on seniority if necessary
Are you a US Civil Servant directly employed by the US government? *
(Required only for conflict of interest determination)
Title of Project *
Brief overview of project *
280 character limit
Target Audience. *
Please detail specifics of underrepresented groups engaged.
 Anticipated number of people reached *
Where and when will engagement will take place? *
Location can be physical or online
 Description of project *
9,000 character limit.
Total budget request *
Enter a numerical value in US Dollars. $ not required.
Budget justification *
Why are you a good candidate to receive this award?
4000 character limit
Anything else we should know?
4000 character limit
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