Fall Fest '24 Registration
At 5:30PM on Friday, October 25 we start in the St Jude youth room for pizza. Then at 6PM we head to Heidi's Farm Stand. There the kids can go thru the corn maze. After we will have cider and donuts. At 8:30PM we head back to St Jude for a 9PM pickup.
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Email *
Student(s) Full Name(s) *
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Emergency Phone Number *
Parent Email *
Student(s) Grade(s) *
Parish  *
For this event to succeed, I need parent drivers. Please mark all that apply. (If you would like to stay and go thru the maze, your fee is covered.)
***Important: I need drivers that are able to drive both ways. And for safety, must leave from St Jude and go back to the church.***
How many students (including your own) can you fit in your car?
I hereby consent to the participation of my child in the event described above scheduled for October 25, 2024. I further consent to the conditions stated above on participation in this event. In consideration of my child being allowed to participate in this event, I agree to waive and release, and indemnity and hold harmless St. Jude Parish, any and all affiliated organizations, its/their employees, agents, representatives, volunteers and drivers, from any and all claims my child or I may have, excluding claims for intentional misconduct or gross negligence, arising from or relating to my child's participation in this event.

As a parent/guardian, I do hereby authorize the treatment by a qualified and licensed physician of any condition, which, in the opinion of the physician, is deemed necessary and appropriate. This authority is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach me. I further authorize the person who presents the minor to sign the Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice Privacy Rights that may be presented by the physician or health care facility. This authorization is completed and signed of my own free will with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the treating physician.

I/we give my/our permission to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan, (the Diocese) and all entities, representatives, employees, and agents operating under its authority to use, without prior notice, my name or my minor child's name, city and state, and/or audio, video(s), photo(s), and/or any other likeness and to use statements made by or attributed to me or my child relating to the Diocese, without compensation, for web, social media, publicity or similar promotions for the Diocese. I waive my right to inspect or approve such publications, including any written copy that may be created in connection therewith. I/we agree that my/our signature(s) below release any and all claims against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids, or its associated entities related to or arising out of the Diocese's use of the stated items as media relations/promotional material(s).
Parent Signature *
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