You must provide your full SS# and complete home address on this form. Both are required to register you on the NYCDOE PETS system for internship or student teaching.
Social Security # *
Your answer
Your answer
Home Address (Street, Apt #, City/State, Zip Code) *
Your answer
Phone Numbers (home, work, cell) *
Your answer
Email Address *
Your answer
What is your teaching subject? *
Your answer
Do you have any special knowledge, skills, or experience expertise in your teaching subject that you would like the school of your placement to know about? List your special expertise below.
Your answer
List the school or schools where you completed your internship course (EDU 3681) *
Your answer
Are you currently employed in a school? If yes, give name of school below.
Your answer
School where you will perform the student teaching activities (if known):
School Name
Your answer
School Address (Street, City/State, Zip Code)
Your answer
School Phone Number
Your answer
Building Principal's Name
Your answer
Supervisor's Name
Your answer
Your trade/teaching subject
Your answer
I understand that approval to register for EDU 4871 is granted by the Department after faculty review and subject to the successful completion of ALL PREREQUISITE COURSES with an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or higher. I also understand that I must register for the co-requisite course EDU 4600. (Please Sign & Date below) *
Your answer
Submit completed Student Teaching Application form by email to Ruben Rodriguez at no later than TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8th 2020. Applications WILL NOT be accepted after this date.