One Person Show/Story 4 Session Workshop 
Congrats! You found the One Person Show/Story 4 Session Workshop Application! This form helps us get to know you and your needs and how we can help you!  To find out more about this and other events and workshops Barb is co-creating go here:
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Email *
Full Name  *
What is your Whatsapp number?  *
Why do you want to write a One Person Show or Ted Talk or Short Film about a part of your life story?  *
Have you had any formal creative writing or acting training? If so please describe below and its TOTALLY ok if you haven't.   *
Which nights are best for you to meet from 7-10PM?  You can choose more than one.  *
Which of the cities would you prefer to take class in if there is space available? You can choose more than one.   *
Normally this workshop costs $1500 US for we are lowering the cost so that we can serve people best in this country.  Which is your best price point to pay for class:  *
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