Call for writing submissions
Wethos is based on the belief that freelancers are founders, not commodities.

We’ve all felt the pros and cons of freelancing first-hand. Our goal is to increase freelancers’ success and earnings by enabling them to team up for big, meaningful, projects, and compete for work that’s normally out of reach for a small business. To us, the future of work is about collaborating more openly and more often.

You can learn more about our mission here:


Relevant audiences:
- Full-time creative and marketing freelancers
- In-house digital marketing and communications directors

Topics we’re interested in:
- Business development tips for freelancers
- Building teams with diverse perspectives
- Gen Z and digital entrepreneurship
- Imagining a more ethical gig economy
- Distributed teams and leadership
- The future of agencies and workplaces

$50-$500 per piece, depending on length, complexity, relevance



If you’ve got an idea for a piece, let us know! We want to hear your ideas.

Submit the below form and we’ll be in touch within 2 business days.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Audience *
Topic *
Length of proposed piece *
Short pitch (50-100 words on your idea) *
Sources/Partners (Co-pitching? Want to share an interview or conversation? Let us know who else might be a part of this project)
First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Link to social profile (Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) *
Link to relevant work (Website, Medium, Article) *
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