Sex Ed Lecture Series Sliding Scale
Sex Ed Lecture Series lectures cost $30-$35 per session.
Please add your name and email below if you are in need of a discount through our sliding scale program.
Please note that if your request is approved, you will receive an invoice for the dates requested. Details about each session can be found at
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Below is the calendar of upcoming sex ed lectures. Please indicate the sessions you would like to attend.
Below are titles of recordings of past lectures. Please indicate the recordings for which you would like to register.
What kind of assistance do you need? *
Are you requesting AASECT CEs? (Please note there is an additional charge of $5 per session for AASECT CEs.) *
By submitting this form, I understand that if my sliding scale request is approved, I will receive an invoice for the approved discounted sessions I selected, and that I will be responsible for payment of this invoice. *
I understand that payment is due upon approval of the scholarship request, and I will pay the amount due upon receipt of the invoice. *
Thank you for your interest in the Sex Ed Lecture Series!
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