ASCCC OERI OER Development Support - Quote Request

Since its inception, the OERI has been providing OER-related professional development opportunities across the state and developing resources to support OER exploration, advocacy, institutionalization, and development. In addition, through five OER-development funding cycles, the OERI has developed a comprehensive process for facilitating OER development that consists of the following components: ASCCC OERI OER Development Support Options printable flyer.

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Project-Based Support

$5,000 – $10,000 (price dependent upon size of the team and complexity of the project)

Designed to support individuals or teams of no more than five from project definition to completion. The Project-Based Support package consists of:

  1. Project management throughout resource development
  2. Clarify deliverables
  3. Develop templates, as needed
  4. Provide OER basics and accessibility training (self-paced courses with office hours to support)
  5. Accessibility review
  6. Attribution review
  7. Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism (IDEA) review
Are you requesting project-based support? *
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