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2020 New England Shloka Competition
Registration Fee: None
Date & Time: Saturday March 28, 2020 from 3pm to 5.30pm
Venue: Chinmaya Mission Boston, 1 Union Street, Andover, MA 01810
Contacts: T R Venkatesh 978•204•4923
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* Indicates required question
Contact Information
Please provide contact info for all the participants. Fill out a new registration form for each household.
Contact Email Address for the Participant(s)
Your answer
Contact Phone Number for the Participant(s)
eg: 8005551212
Your answer
Full Address of the Participant(s)
eg: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
Your answer
Total Number of Participants
If there are more than 3 participants from a household, please fill out an additional registration form.
Participants' Information
Please provide specific info regarding each participant.
First Participant's Name as it should appear in the Award Certificate
eg: Sasha Obama
Your answer
Gender of the first participant
Category the first participant will compete
Select one of the five categories
Atishishu -- 3 year-olds through Kindergardener
Shishu -- 1st through 3rd grades
Bala -- 4th through 6th grades
Yuva -- 7th grade through High School
PrauDha -- 19 years and above
Second Participant's Name as it should appear in the Award Certificate
eg: Bo Obama
Your answer
Gender of the 2nd participant
Clear selection
Category the second participant will compete
Select one of the five categories
Atishishu -- 3 year-olds through Kindergardener
Shishu -- 1st through 3rd grades
Bala -- 4th through 6th grades
Yuva -- 7th grade through High School
PrauDha -- 19 years and above
Clear selection
Third Participant's Name as it should appear in the Award Certificate
eg: Sunny Obama
Your answer
Gender of the 3rd participant
Clear selection
Category the third participant will compete
Select one of the five categories
Atishishu -- 3 year-olds through Kindergardener
Shishu -- 1st through 3rd grades
Bala -- 4th through 6th grades
Yuva -- 7th grade through High School
PrauDha -- 19 years and above
Clear selection
Any additional Info you would like to add
Your answer
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