City Farm School 2018 Apprenticeship Application Form
Hi there,  thanks for taking the time to fill out this application form. We will review all the applications and get back to you by the beginning of February 2018.  We will hold an interview process in mid-February for those who we feel are most suited for the program. All applicants will be notified within one week of their interview.  Thanks again, and don't forget to email your CV to
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Name and email *
Why are you interested in City Farm School? *
What are you hoping to take away from the CFS experience? What are your expectations and hopes for the program? *
This Full Session Apprenticeship requires you to commit to a 4-hour slot every week from early March until mid November. In addition, you need to commit to extra market hour shifts and the Saturday workshop schedule listed on our site. How will this work for your schedule? *
How do you learn best? *
Students are asked to commit to one Garden Shift per week. Please select ALL session(s) that you could fit your schedule. *
How did you find out about City Farm School?
Anything else you want to tell us?
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