The Race for Snow is on Jan 21st, and Volunteer jobs will be from 4pm to 9pm,
Please fill out this form if you would like to volunteer for the 7th Annual Race for Snow! Once you fill out the form, we will assign people to jobs and let you know what you will be doing to help out!
There may not be enough spots at a specific job for everyone who would like it, so please be flexible as we try to ensure that everyone can help out :)
**If you are already in a RFS Team that has a specific job (i.e. timing), no need to fill out this form
Job Descriptions
- Set-Up: Report to main lodge with instructions, probably one of THE most important jobs; arrive with skis to set up course
- Decorations - Make the ski course look festive! Specifics TBD
- Registration - One pair that checks names/hands out bibs to those who are preregistered. Other pair is in charge of day-of-race registration and donations. In charge of organizing registration table/bibs and will have a money box
- Parking Lot Attendant - Direct traffic to point cars to parking spots or drop off zones
- Lap Counters - Racers are in charge of counting their own laps, but these volunteers keep track of bibs each time they pass by (will be given a list to tally).
- T-Shirt Sales/Prizes Monitor: Will be provided with a table and a place to store money and/or change
- Announcer/MC: In charge of making sure logistics are well-communicated, keeping race-day spirits up (with cheering and interviews) and music (we will provide a playlist)
- Starter: "Ready, set, go!" Ensures that everyone is lined up properly (encouraging faster racers in the front) and that the start time is well communicated
- Lollipop Rabbits: Serve as a "rabbit" for the lollipop racers to follow, and give out candy afterwards
- Course Monitors: Move V-boards between races for different race courses, keep public skiers/parents off race course, and generally ensure good conditions of course
- Bib-collection: Make sure that all racer bibs are back in bins by the end of the finishing chute
- Clean-Up: One of THE most important jobs