Depot Public Library Story Time
Would you like to be a guest reader at the Depot Public Library Story Time? If so, please fill out this Google Form.  We will be having two segments of Story Time this year.  The first one will be at 10:00 am for PreK & Under and the second one will be at 2:00 pm for Kindergarten through 2nd grade.  You can choose to read at both segments that day or just one of them.  We have partnered with Throckmorton Collegiate ISD to have the school aged children bused to the Depot Library for this event. This form is just for September through December.  We will send out another form to schedule the second half of the school year in December.
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First and Last name *
Phone number *
Please choose the dates/times you would like to read. Available dates are September 17th, October 22nd, November 12th and December 10th.  There are two time slots per date: 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.  If a date or time slot is not showing it means someone else has already chosen it. *
Please choose one of the following statements. *
If you already have a book you would like to read, please type in the book title and author. We will plan activities to go along with the book you read.
If you have any question, please contact Diane Balthrop through Facebook or at
Thank you!
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