An Open Invitation for Valpo Faculty and Staff

The Language Resource Center warmly invites all faculty and staff to participate in Lingua Valpo, an initiative that aims to identify and celebrate Valpo’s linguistic diversity. This project focuses specifically on Valpo faculty and staff who wish to share their linguistic knowledge and gifts, and perhaps make new campus connections through language practice or exploration. 

If you have knowledge of a language other than English, would you consider contributing to Lingua Valpo by completing this survey? You don’t need to consider yourself fluent to contribute! Whether you have advanced (or moderate) speaking proficiency, are fully bilingual, identify as a Heritage Speaker, or possess reading knowledge of another language, we would love to know!

  • Below you will find details on how information you provide may be used.
  • Lingua Valpo is a project that falls outside of any curricular or department matters. 
  • If you have questions, please include them at the end of the survey or contact Carol Goss, LRC Director, at  
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Campus role(s)
Department / Unit
How will information I provide below be used?

Lingua Valpo project is a new, developing effort to gain a greater understanding of and appreciation for the faculty and staff who make up Valparaiso University. We imagine there is a rich linguistic diversity yet to be uncovered!

  • Our initial goal is to gather information from faculty and staff to simply learn which languages beyond English are represented by Valpo employees. Once we receive a fair number of contributions, we imagine highlighting in some way the variety of languages shared here.  However, we will not publicly associate your name with information you provide in this survey.
  • The information you provide could enable personal enrichment and new connections among faculty and staff, through informal opportunities the LRC facilitates for anyone interested in practicing other languages (e.g. conversation tables, interest groups like Korean and ASL, etc.).
  • Finally, information gathered here could eventually serve as a potential resource to meet specific internal needs, in particular to support our students (e.g. assisting with a student's language evaluation who hopes to study abroad). However, we will not share your name or forward requests that the LRC or other units may receive without your explicit permission. 

1. What language(s) do you know other than English? 

IMPORTANT: You don't need to consider yourself fluent or bilingual to contribute!

We aim to identify the wide range of linguistic diversity that Valpo's campus represents, including diversity in abilities and proficiency. Are you are a Heritage Speaker? Is a language other than English part of your cultural identity? Do you have moderate or advanced speaking proficiency? Do you possess reading knowledge ? Even if you can't speak or write, are you able to listen and understand? 
2. For each language you include above, describe in a few words your linguistic proficiency or knowledge.
3. Is there other information you wish to provide about your language(s)?
4. Optional: Is English your first language?
5. Are you interested in informally connecting with other campus members who share your linguistic knowledge/background (e.g. conversation tables, language interest groups, etc.)?
6. Are there specific languages you are interested in exploring with other campus members?  This could include languages you note above, or new languages you have yet to explore.
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