Men Becoming Elite Men Mastermind Application
Please complete the following information and you'll be contacted by the team!
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Email *
What is your mobile number? So I can contact you regarding this application.  *
Name *
City and State *
What interests you most about becoming a member of Men Becoming Elite Men? *
In what specific areas are you experiencing frustration, problems, or dissatisfaction in your business/personal life and what would you like to see change? *
Please provide some context for who you are, your core values, what you do, and what your current priorities are. Include any relevant information about your work, family, health, etc.
If your life and/or business continued down a similar path as the one you've been on, what are the potential positive & negative outcomes you would experience?
Describe your future. Imagine yourself fulfilled and experiencing the level of success your heart desires. Use these prompts: How do you feel? What's it like? What's different about your life? What's been added? What have you intentionally left behind?
Do you need to include your wife in all your financial decisions? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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