BROK Comics Merchandise
Please note that I will reach you to give a quote before payment.
The shipping indicated is for outside Europe. Some may be combined, I'll let you know when I'll reach you.

I can take Paypal or wire transfer to my French bank account (through Wise for example)

For the tee shirts, see possible ones here:
Do note that I group multiple tee shirts orders together (10 tee shirts orders) so there may be some waiting time.

If you only order digital items, you don't need to fill name / postal address / phone.
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Which PHYSICAL rewards are you interested in?
If you want several units of a particular item, write it down here with the number
Which DIGITAL rewards are you interested in?
Your email *
Your full shipping address (don't forget to include your name and country)

Not required if you want only digital products.
Your phone number (for the shipping) *
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