Passion Talks 2022 - Virtual Conference

The date for the event: November 5, 2022.
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Full Name *
Please note that for accepted talks, various information (including name) will be included in the online and print conference proceeding unless you explicitly opt-out (see Privacy, below).
Profession Title *
Industry or Research Area
Presentation Title *
Audience should have a good sense of what your talk is about after reading your title. Feel free to use subtitles for clarification.
Presentation Abstract (900 characters max) *
This should be a clear and concise summary of what your talk is about. (please keep it as one paragraph)
Professional Bio (900 characters max) *
Please indicate why you are qualified to speak about your topic, along with any other details of interest to a potential listener. (please keep it as one paragraph)
Statement of Faith/Beliefs/Ideology (900 characters max) *
In order to fully appreciate the talks, we ask speakers to be honest and open about their personal faith/beliefs/ideologies. Please use the following space to make a brief statement. This will be published with your abstract, though if you do not want this to be associated with your name, just indicate by checking the box under Privacy (below) for "do not post my name." You may (if you wish) use a profession of faith such as the Nicene or Apostles' Creeds. Rather than copying and pasting from a source, simply state the source.
What is your ask? *
For this year's theme on "Shaping Spaces," we hope to build functional and collaborative spaces around our curation of passion talks. To help inform this process, please provide either an ask or an offer to help.
Would you be interested in leading a session/space of speakers around this topic?
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Which Sessions would be a good fit for your talk?
The following options control what we publish in our conference proceedings, both online and in print.
How did you hear about Passion Talks? Please list names of those who referred you under "Other."
Online Presence
Optional: Website, wordpress, linkedin, twitter, google scholar, etc.
Additional Comments
Please include any extra details or constraints (as requested above), or comments for the organizers.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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