Quiz 19 - Quadratic equations
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Decide if the following equation is a quadratic equation *
1 point
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Decide if the following equation is a quadratic equation *
1 point
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Decide if the following equation is a quadratic equation *
1 point
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Select the option that shows the following equation in standard quadratic form *
1 point
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Select the option that shows the following equation in standard quadratic form *
1 point
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Use the null factor law to solve the following equation *
1 point
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Use the null factor law to solve the following equation *
1 point
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Find the solution for x. The product of x and a number 7 less than x is zero. *
1 point
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Find the solution for x. The product of a number 1 less than twice x and 6 more than x is zero. *
1 point
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Find the solution for x. The product of a number 3 more than twice x and 1 less than twice x is zero. *
1 point
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