Wellbeing Day Registration - 02.06.2024
Date: June 2nd, 2024 
Location: OWC (Education Centre), Erasmus MC
Contact Xanthe from the MFVR when you have questions: +31633508477

During the day we have planned following activities for you:
  • Walk-in activities with no limit:
    Candle painting, Claying, Jewelry making, Bike your own smoothie, Ball pit, Photobooth, Karaoke, Pool, airhockey and soccer tables
  • Activities with limited spots:
    Tufting, Bonbon workshop, Dance workshop, Massages, Ice bath
As some activities have a limited capacity, we created this form for you to sign up for the activities and to save your spot. When a certain time slot is not displayed any more as an option to choose from, it means that it is already fully booked and that all spots are taken.
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Sign up for activities with limited spots
We organised following activities with limited capacity:
  • Yoga:
    1h yoga classes at 13:30 and 14:30 for a group of 20 people per class
  • Terrazzo-Workshop:
    Two workshops from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 with 15 people per workshop
  • Tufting:
    One froup from 10:00 to 14:00 and one group from 14:00 to 18:00 with 10 people per group
  • Bonbon workshop:
    1h workshop at 10:00, 11:00 or 12:00 for a group of 20 people per workshop
  • Dance workshop:
    Contemporary Dance from 11:00 to 12:30 and Movement & Mindfulness from 13:30 to 15:00 with 17 people per group
  • Massages: 
    Take place throughout the whole day in 15 minutes intervals. while a maximum of 6 people can get a massage at the same time
  • Ice bath:
    Each hour sharp from 10:00 to 16:00 starts an ice bathing session with a small introduction and a follwing ice bath for 10 people
Please make sure to take the timetable above into your consideration and only book spots for activities that are not overlapping. Also remember that we got you covered with food from lunch the dessert bar and the dinner at the end and also with drinks, so you can spend the whole day at EMC without having to worry about that!
Yoga Classes (two classes with 20 people each)
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Terrazo Workshop (two groups with 15 people each)
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Tufting Workshop (for 10 people per group)
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Bonbon Workshop (20 people per group)
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Dance Workshop (for 17 people per group
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Massages (every 15 minutes with a maximum of 6 people simultaneously) 
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Ice Bathing (one group every hour with 10 people)
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Which of the walk-in activities are you interested in?
We do not have a limit for those activities but we would like to know how many people are interested in which activities. So when you fill out the following question you are not making a binding decision to really participate in the activity but it is more for us to get a better overview about what we can expect!
So which walk-in activities interest you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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