Agent opportunity Submission
  Please submit the details of any motivated seller leads you have.  
Email *
  Seller’s Motivation  *
  Property Condition   *
  Do they currently have an existing mortgage on the property?   *
  If there is a mortgage, please provide the following details:   *
  1.  Loan type
  2. Loan balance
  3. Monthly payment
  4.  Interest rate
  5. Years remaining on the loan
  6. Any liens or other mortgages on the property
  Seller Contact Information  
  Seller’s Phone Number & Email For future 3-way calls or quick info to send with your approval first.  (Optional) 
Property information *
  1. Address
  2. SQFT
  3. Lot SQFT
  4. Bed
  5. Bath
  6. HOA?
  7. other info you would like to share?
  Estimated Value of Property   *
  Seller’s Asking Price   *
  Agent’s Name   *
Agent’s Contact Information *
  Agent’s Phone Number and Email  
  Additional Notes or Comments   *
  Please provide any relevant information regarding the seller’s motivations for selling, their future plans, and any specific goals or needs they have. Understanding these details will allow us to tailor our offers to best meet their unique situation and ensure we achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.  
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